Angular Material: Using a BottomSheet

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Most Angular Material UI components are declarative and used directly in the HTML markup. Some components, however, are programmatic and must be configured and invoked from Javascript. Programmatic components have a short-term, limited DOM lifespan and include Dialogs, Toast, and BottomSheet.

Let’s use the BottomSheet service to configure and display an Angular Material BottomSheet container which in turn will display a nested, custom Contact Sheet view.

This course presented by by Thomas Burleson & Aaron Frost.

Cliff Smith
Cliff Smith
~ 8 years ago

where can we DL the svg files...?

Daniel Barrett
Daniel Barrett
~ 8 years ago

yes where are they.... and glossing over $mdIconProvider didnt help much either, any further resources?

~ 8 years ago

I believe everything covered so far is from the Material Starter repo:

The .svg, User.js, UserController.js, and other files are available there.