1. 23
    Connect React app to a serverless backend deployed with CDK and fix CORS issues
    2m 58s

Connect React app to a serverless backend deployed with CDK and fix CORS issues

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It is time.

Our serverless backend and infrastructure (that we both created and deployed ourselves with CDK!) is ready so we can connect it to our React app.

In this quick lesson we're going to learn how to connect the React app from the source code of this course to our API as well as how to add appropriate CORS headers to our API response.

~ 5 years ago

After I added the the access-control-allow-origins and method headers, when I saved the file and and ran cdk deploy, I was still getting CORS error when trying to access the app on localhost. I checked lambda in the console and saw that the code was not updated. I also sent a get request in insomnia to check the headers, and the headers were not there. I destroyed the stack and created a new one, hoping it would deploy with my newly added headers - it did not. same issue. I ended up needing to run "npm run build" and then "cdk deploy" again and it worked. headers are showing in insomnia and no CORS errors in the browser on localhost.

~ 5 years ago

The course assumes that you're constantly running "npm run watch" in the background, to avoid building each change

~ 4 years ago

Try running npm install. Yarn didn’t work for me. I get errors when I run yarn install.

Vidit Shah
Vidit Shah
~ 3 years ago

./src/ErrorMessage.js Line 11:13: 'React' must be in scope when using JSX react/react-in-jsx-scope Getting Following Error With the frontEnd