There are only a few steps you have to take to create a live GraphQL API with AWS CDK's AppSync package.
First, define a GraphQL schema. This is where you define the data you want to query and create query and mutation functions.
Then, AppSync is used to create a new GraphQL API, passing in the schema you just created. When you deploy, an API key will be generated. You will need this key to interact with the API.
Is this being updated for CDK v2?
install @aws-cdk/aws-appsync-alpha, then import and replace @aws-cdk/aws-appsync. Next, add the import { Construct } from 'constructs'.
Take out the cdk from the cdk.Construct.
Finally, chanage appsync.Schema to appsync.SchemaFile
I agree, it needs to be updated. In fact, A TON OF COURSES need to be updated!!!! I like the style but man this is a big problem.