Create an AWS CDK AppSync GraphQL API

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There are only a few steps you have to take to create a live GraphQL API with AWS CDK's AppSync package.

First, define a GraphQL schema. This is where you define the data you want to query and create query and mutation functions.

Then, AppSync is used to create a new GraphQL API, passing in the schema you just created. When you deploy, an API key will be generated. You will need this key to interact with the API.

~ 3 years ago

Is this being updated for CDK v2?

Manuel Alvarez - Zumárraga
Manuel Alvarez - Zumárraga
~ 2 years ago


~ 2 years ago

install @aws-cdk/aws-appsync-alpha, then import and replace @aws-cdk/aws-appsync. Next, add the import { Construct } from 'constructs'.

Take out the cdk from the cdk.Construct.

Finally, chanage appsync.Schema to appsync.SchemaFile

~ 2 years ago

I agree, it needs to be updated. In fact, A TON OF COURSES need to be updated!!!! I like the style but man this is a big problem.