Build a Realtime Chat App with Remix and Supabase

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Supabase is a collection of open-source tools that wrap around a PostgreSQL database. In this course, we look at building a realtime chat application with Remix, using Supabase for db hosting, authentication, authorization and subscribe to realtime db events - updating the UI as the database changes.

We will learn about:

  • loaders and actions in Remix
  • querying and mutating data with Supabase
  • authentication with GitHub
  • authorization with RLS
  • merging client and server state with realtime events
  • deploying a Remix app to Vercel

This course is 100% TypeScript, however, don't stress if you don't have any experience with TS, as Supabase does most of the heavy lifting here! πŸŽ‰


Jon Meyers

Jon is a software engineer, teacher, writer, speaker and hip hop producer based in Melbourne, Australia. He's passionate about the Jamstack and making sure we scale the web in a sustainable way! Also a super proud dad of a baby genius!

Course content (11 lessons)

    illustration for Build a Realtime Chat App with Remix and Supabase